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Alcohol & Drug Statement

This statement sets out Construction Training Services policy in respect of any candidate whose performance may be impaired because of drinking alcohol or taking drugs.

It is supported by Acts of Parliament Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

It is a requirement of Construction Training Services that no candidate shall: -

· Report for training having just consumed alcohol or being under the influence of drugs.

· Report for training in an unfit state due to the use of alcohol or drugs.

· Be in possession of drugs in the workplace.

· Consume alcohol or drugs whilst training.

If Construction Training Services suspects that any person has consumed alcohol or drugs during or just before commencing training, they will not be permitted to undertake their scheduled training and may be required to take a drugs test.

Candidates should not consume any alcohol at all in the eight hours before starting training and in the sixteen hours prior to that should not consume more than seven units of alcohol, one unit being equivalent to half a pint of standard strength beer.

Anyone using a prescribed or “over the counter” medication, which carries any risk of affecting your reaction, ability to take decisions or causes drowsiness, must make Construction Training Services aware prior to training. Always read the instructions carefully and seek the advice of a pharmacist if you are unsure.

Prohibited drugs include as a minimum the following drugs or drug groups:

· Cannabis

· Cocaine

· Amphetamines

· Methadone

· Opiates

· MDMA (Ecstasy)