Over 100 courses available with progression from novice to advanced
Every year over 2.4 million working days are lost through injusry or illness in ouir industry
Every year there are over 82,000 new cases of work-related illness that can be directly attributed to working within construction
Every year there are over 2000 major accidents that incapacitate the worker in such a way they cannot retun to work
Last year there were 30 fatalities on our building sites
Every singe day in the UK two construction workers take their own lives
The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity is the only charity that provides emotional, physical and financial wellbeing support to the construction community and their families.
Their mission is to ensure that the construction community can easily access the emotional, physical and financial wellbeing support they need to develop healthy and sustainable futures for this generation and the next.
The work they do is simply invaluable.